Thursday, July 8, 2010

why childhood ruined us

reason number one : nursery rhymes

"Rock-a-bye, baby
On the treetop
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall
And down will come baby
Cradle and all..."

seriously? which idiot mother puts her baby in a cradle and hangs it up on a tree?? and then watches as the baby falls down cradle and all. success.

"Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.

One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane..."

this is another genius nursery rhyme. the sheep talks. in english. it says " yes sir, yes sir, three bags full ". watafark. sheeps don't talk! =.="

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after..."

this one is just pure violence man. i mean seriously. you sing this to your 3 year old child? two kids who go to fetch water and then fall of a hill. congratulations. and then you wonder why your child is weird.

reason number two : barbie dolls

meet Barbie. she's blond. she's a princess. and i
f she were a real person, her measurements would be 39-18-33. that's a whole load of boobs and no brains.

Barbie's the stereotype of perfectionism. she's beautiful, she's rich, she has the perfect friends, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect life.
so you grow up thinking this is what beauty is. this is how my life should be. but guess what?
real women have curves. and these women are living proof of that fact.

jennifer love hewitt

jennifer lopez

beyonce knowles

kim kardashian

so stop buying your children toys like this and making them believe that being beautiful and materialistic is all there is to life. buy them things that would actually benefit them in future. like a piano. or teach them sudoku. for all you know, your child might be the next Beethoven or Albert Einstein,
instead of some dumb blonde.

reason number three : fairy tales.

come on, we all know there's no such thing as happy endings. life ALWAYS has it's ups and downs. it doesn't just stop at up, up, up. if it does, you're so screwed cause you're just gonna fall down, down, down eventually.

you'd rather have your daughter growing up thinking that if she's all dolled up in pretty dresses and waits around long enough, her knight in shinning armour will come and rescue her. newsflash! knights in shinning armour do not exist, there are only retards in tin foils.

so instead of telling her the reality of how life works, you tell her delusional stories about frogs and glass slippers and fairy godmothers. you may be protecting her innocence, but your just making reality this much more harder to accept.

so maybe, just maybe, you should tell her instead how growing up is tough and you have to strive for what you want in order to be successful. not waiting around for some prince or fairy godmother to save you. it's ok to have some faith in life. but there's a fine line when faith becomes delusional thoughts.

THIS is delusion.

THIS is reality.


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