Friday, June 25, 2010

the man in the mirror

" you don't know what you've got till it's gone....."

it's been a year since MJ died, though it seems like it's only been a few months.... and for the past one year, all you hear and see is MJ, MJ, MJ. left. right. and centre. i mean the man's dead for god's sake. let him rest in peace for once.

when he was alive, all we heard was, watch out boys! it's MJ the child molester!, or there's the dude with no nose!, or hey! there goes the man who named his child Blanket!. and now that he's dead, all we hear is R.I.P MJ, we love you, we miss you, you were the best, no one can be half the man you were.

radio stations play his songs for weeks. people start dressing like him in talent competitions. tv shows dedicated to him. 5 year old kids cry watching his funeral. watafark. you're 5. you should be crying over dirty diapers and big bird not some dead artist you've never heard of.

kesimpulanya adalah, start appreciating people when they are still around you. the good and the bad. because today might be the last day you talk to them.

and as for you MJ, who cares if you molested a few boys or are missing a nose or named your child Blanket, you created some awesome ass songs and videos and that's all that matters! this one's for you.<3

p.s try to convince god to send you back down to us. tell him we'll give him Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber instead.

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