Sunday, September 12, 2010

its raining MEN.

so i was just telling someone that day how much i hate sisi boys who make up a good 80% of our guy population nowadays.

i dnt noe if its coz of the influence from tv shows, the increasing defective genes causing gayness, or the korean gay bands who wear glitter singlets and studded tights.

so i decided to give tribute to 5 classes of men that i find abso-fucking-lutely MEN.

1. Army

i have tons n tons of respect for army men.
difficult living conditions. no hair gel involved. heck no mirror usage.
buff. fast. with firearms.

i love men with scars.
shows that they've done something with life. not stayed home like some rich bitch getting driven around and cant even change a lightbulb.

these are men.

this includes all other men in uniform. firemen. policemen. bodyguards.

2. Fighters

im a sucker for martial arts.
i love guys who can put up a good fight.
especially muay thai fighters.


i get turned on just watching their muscles flex when they throw a k.o. kick at their opponent's face.

the idea that their body is a killing machine is soo appealing. =D

3. Dancers

you noe what they say. men who can dance, are good in bed.


guys who just head bang and move their hands are not considered in this category.
im talking about real ballroom dancers or breakdancers or shufflers.
who dont need alcohol to move.

so long their good at it, it works for me.=D

4. Guys who can handle their cars

girls, in general, are known to be bad drivers.
im not agreeing nor am i disagreeing. coz im not dat great with driving either.haha.

but i cant stand guys who cant park or handle a car.

guys who can handle their car. with speed = hot.

5. Bald buff men.

this really isnt a right category.
but i love men who can pull off the bald look.

and i prefer big sized guys over skinny twiggy guys.
with skinny twiggy guys it feels like i'll have to fight if someone attacked us.

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